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Everything uploaded on this blog i.e. Pieces of writing (any word, design, idea, song lyrics, poem, short story, article, critique), and piece of art (drawing, painting) of this blog is © (Copy Rights Reserved). This blog is 'Owned' by MishaalTariq MT™
Any copying of material will result in severe legal action against the copying person
My writing is opinion based mostly. Follow advice upon your own discretion. Every post and thing here is subject to change. My interests vary. And if there are any grammatical errors, forgive me because I hardly proofread for errors when I am writing.
DON'T JUDGE. READ UPON YOUR OWN DISCRETION. DON'T ASK ME WHY I WRITE SO BLEAK AND LIKE I'M A LUNATIC. BECAUSE I AM NOT. Do feel free to leave in a comment to let me know how you feel like about my writing.
Happy Reading folks!
PS. Any inflammatory, floundering comments that count as libel, are abusive, politically defaming, humanly deviant, and sadist) are irrevocably condemned on this blog, they won't be entertained at all. Hence, please do refrain from doing so.
By the way, I'm not emotional aka emo globally, so yeah.
Monday, 26 December 2016
Until then...
*Inserts the rest of things I want to say but...*
Until then... Hold on! <3
Lots of love,
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Getting through this
Oh, yes I am
Walking around with thoughts
Lingering inside my head
Hung by a string
Endless lengths
Deep down they reside
Waiting to ignite
The fire is inside
Just need to find
Courage is a gift
Never let it go
Hold on tight
You know it will turn out just alright
Hope will prevail
Worrying is pointless
Pain is just a phase
No need to chase
What's yours will always stay
So take a deep breath
And put up a smile
Cuz life is a roller coaster
And you're getting through this!
Monday, 28 November 2016
I am done, LOL
Hypothetical short story written. Inner peace felt. In reality, contrasting essay about layering and artists done, magical realism read. Personal assignment done. Prayer done. Dinner with family done. Sore throat, done. Eternal flu done. Lol. Mirrors position changed. Reflection re some issues done. Hypothetical MUN attended. BD won. Hypothetical breakup done. In reality, headaches have reduced a bit. Miss someone. Eczema is reoccurring. Fat face is appearing. Baby time done. Portraits brainstorming done. Winter clothes sorted. Started sketching again.
Done with goals. You can take me now, God. Bye, world.
PS. Hahahaha
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Sometimes, These Times
Everything seems to fall into pieces. Sometimes you just have to know something to move bon. I've crossed that point so I'm glad. Nothing lasts forever and nobody stays forever too. Moving on is the best and just thing one can do. So here I sit, on my wooden chair. The things we use and those that surround us, they have witnessed so much, right? Even in the quietest of times they have been there, with us, through so much. Whatever our believes might be. With the noise of those cars breaking through the dark of the night. It's quite. The lights on but I'll be turning it off as nothing is serene than soft and murky light at night. I know what I have to do. It's all clear what once was and what is now. I've spent my darlings birthday yesterday. Took him to the film festival on Friday. The movie was quite amazing but he's more amazing. I'd give the stars to him, the whole world in his hands. Anything for his smile. To give way to his timeless laughter. Putting up the little drums and colorful stuff made me happy as it makes him happy. A decade of joy and peace, melting my heart as it beats towards the unknown. All I have to do is have faith and hold on.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Monday, 14 November 2016
The Chainsmokers - Closer | Kabira (ft. Casey Breves) (Vidya Vox Mashup ...
Pouring, pouring
Right now I really feel like gulping in shitloads of KitKats and just eating them again and again and again and again. Maybe I'll go on that hypothetical date with my hypothetical boyfriend and sit in a park maybe, look at the stars, just look and inhale that cool air, have KitKats eat some Pizzas and yeah. Just that. And yeah shouting out loud, at my loudest pitch the words 'no' and 'fuck you'. And then crying into the night.
I am truthfully contented with the fact that I'm asociable most of the times and haven't had those so called clichéd childhood friend(s). I can't attach myself to anyone now except some two or three dearies with whom I'm working on my relationship with. I won't go for new cuz eventually I end up getting hurt and my words being lost in the wind like they're worthless. Well they aren't and I don't have the FUCKING time to fret over it or cry after 'friends' for whom I'm just another person in the crowd. Mind you, I don't seek attention because I get all the attention I need from my sweetheart baby and family and my mentors from whom I'm privileged to study. I just need a person to talk to at times. To share stuff i just feel like telling that person. I need cupcakes! Only if I had some 5k or 10k on me right now and I could walk myself to the nearest Gourmet. The moon is red and my temples are squeezing my eyes and head. Sleepies, I need you. To those who are just ghosts for me now, yes, GHOSTS, I don't give a slightest fuck if you don't talk to me. I am perfectly proud to not have you in my life now cuz it's GREAT that I left you or you left me whatever. Thing is, I don't need you or you're not worth talking to now. Maybe someday you'll realize that even if you wanna end things with someone do it on good terms and unsubtly. Fuggers. I am actually smiling right now. I have my baby and God.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
The Light
PS. I'm getting there! Yes. Thank God. Alhumdulillah. #allsmiles
As the car drove past the dimly lit road, she wondered what will become if those who had left. Who would never make it back? The moon was lurking high above her, shadowing her house with its inexplicably dissonant red aura. There was a chill I'm the air, this unspoken sadness that prevailed. Downtown Wellington avenue was the last place she wanted to be at that moment. But there seemed no other choice she could have the liberty to choose from... To be continued
Monday, 7 November 2016
I want to write, I love writing. It's not like I'm trying to satisfy myself by writing this but really. I am writing regardless haha. It's just that I feel like something has died inside of me, like it has faded away and blown out of my reach like the dandelions that swiftly drift out of your reach with a sudden gust. I know it's inside of me waiting to be unleashed, the old love, the old flow. I'm missing it ever relentlessly and it's really hard, it is. And it's true, hardest walks of life are walked by yourself. It feels like there's still a speck of that feeling left. It's still wilting but there, waiting for me to rescue it as moments run by. I'm chasing it, struggling to grasp it. Waiting foe it to immerse in my veins and get dissolved like oxygen in blood. There's always still hope. Headaches are just temporary. It's how you fix them. Holding on matters, of course. Glorifying the calm moments as they are spent. Albeit, my head does get fried, not in the frying pan but in the air.
PS. In the end, I don't know, when or how it shall happen but happen it will. I don't know how to give birth to that gift I have. That cosmos entrusted me with. That has died. I do know, I will not fail or give up. I'll be there for myself. Always.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Tales of Autumn
The wrinkled leaves of Autumn
Trek down their way through the airy paths
The swift and piercing licking of the sunlight through the hazy skies
Orange and red leaves that crunch and cry
With millions of miles to cover the black hood keeps passing by
Every face that carries a different story, some with neigh some with glory
There's a noise in the air, parched and disconcerted
The newly born keep closed their eyes, sleep with daunting pride
Even through the moving of huge monster like carriers
You can see the mist descending
Birds that hover by, in a silent rhythmic resonance
People clothed in orange, some wrapped in white
Melodic faces of kids painted with irreplaceable smiles, their eyes bursting with joy
Sunday, 30 October 2016
Stop it, please, blehh
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
All I can think of doing is listening to Fractures by Mortals and Skipping Stones by Clair De Lune on a loop. Its just unbearable. Too much, even for me.....
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Defining and Defying
Monday, 17 October 2016
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Treat yourself! Always
Then yesterday, I was just treading through the empty classroom looking at our work, thinking and thinking. How far we have come. How different and quite it is, the room that we dwell in the whole week, everyday for about +8 hours. How sometimes, people can be under one roof and yet so.. different and distant at times....
The two days we got off for Muharram, I watched Pan and God of Egypt. Terrific movies! I'm glad I treated myself to those. I have now fallen in love with Egyptian history not just the story of Ra and Horus, but their craftsmanship. And hieroglyphs we are studying in history. Wrote our names in them. Felt like whirling back to the time of scribes and all. I started this super huge book about Egypt at the library, its pretty long but I'll read through, time to time.
Now, my baby is here with me and taking capturing my Calligraphy work with mums camera. My phone lies beside me, waiting for me to crack in the vault, this game I play.. Talking Tom Gold Run. He just loves it. And well, I really find it cool too lol. I have been feeling weird though as in, something with my insides I guess. Nauseous and up-to-the-throat. Near my chest.. I didn't eat anything other than homemade food. Hopefully, it'll go away. Like our Calligraphy's instructor said, you must take care of your heart. And, we, often don't. There's a play coming up! Anxious to see it.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
October is coming
Everything seems to fall in pieces. I just have to relax and see everything with clarity. Positivity brings out the best in you in worst of the times so yeah. I guess need to stick to that. We must feel good even if the cosmos is compelling us to feel bad because worrying is pointless. Screaming is useless. Regretting is derailing. I'm enjoying what I'm studying. Photography is serene is as always. I've find nice folks to spend my time with albeit nobody like that, like you can connect with them instantly and they just read your mind. I'm enjoying working on the softwares too, its not hard as it seemed. With the upbeat music flaring up, it creates a relishing aura to work in. We've customized our desks too or well, I have. I've placed my puss in boots, doggy and Mr. Mobo (I'll call it that from today). A welcome party is coming up, I'm thinking of singing for it. Your voice, after all brings it all out. You can vent out in the beautiful of the ways that exist. I put up black lip color for a project we have to do with our personalities. Felt like having some black wings and I'd have felt. ..... Lol. There was this box of dvds, series and movies stashed in the department in the morning. Got myself, Downton Abbey and Continental drift!
When words loose their meaning and when gaze doesn't work out, the only resort left to stick to is by the means of bullets or so I have perceived. I mean, okay. Whoa. This is a huge explosive statement. Nonetheless, we need to find some means of getting our message through those stone headed cracked skulls. They just don't get it, do they?! Why is this frickin world so ignorant? Self-absorbed, insolent and apathetic crazies.
Why do people peek? Is it really that hard to keep it to yourself? Do you have to be notoriously cracked to put on a show? Why isn't respecting others privacy a thought that we feel alienated to, when exposed to it. A person has a private territory, a personal space that has to be respected and adhered to. One feels a certain calm and..
Monday, 3 October 2016
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Why would you bail out
I know I was a rigid one
Still there was some hope
I know I pushed you
But I needed you to stay
I know you had to go
However, I'd like you to check in
Just sometimes
But why I say this
You don't have any duty
Oh why I keep holding on when there's no assurity
When you don't even know me
Of course I am so boring
But maybe I just needed a friend
I can't think clearly
Clarity seems to drift far away
Time is an endless wait
Why would you put me in such a situation
I can't get out off
You're always on my mind
It's so frustrating at sometimes
But I know there's nothing to expect
Cuz you have your life
I was just a passerby
I need to move on too
Letting go is hard but not that much
It'll be okay soon, faith is still there
Holding me tight
Why have you disappeared
Why would you bail out
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Monday, 5 September 2016
Afloat the tornadoes time throws
College has started. It just feels tremendously alone at times but temporarily so its okay, I guess! So many people, yet nobody there... Just ghosts afloat whirling in a timeless abyss. Melancholy battles but I am more good than giving it the best of me. So yeah! Whatever. It won't take me down. Ever. E. V. E. R.
I love my Grandparents a lot. No matter the wedges or misunderstandings, I love them just like the child who used to run in the playgrounds, while my grandpa counted and watched us till the evening sky faded into dull grey with streaks of cloud scattered over the horizon, exploding into bursts of pink, violet and orange. I hope people just don't take advantage of what differences are there and use it to create a further drift of stuff against us.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
My chin feels like it's on fire! Ouchhhhh. They waxed the skin instead. Oh God. Wherrrerrherrrerh.
Saturday, 20 August 2016
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Hope Matters
Dealt it with boatloads of antibiotics? Yes. Moved on to some/couple of, slight, tiny doctors appointments and contemplation about whether to opt for surgery? Yes. Had the twisted (not literally but really) appendix removed? Yes. Skipped college for three weeks? Yes. Felt depressed and bed-ridden and dependent? Yes. And you are not over with me yet, pain? Please break up with me. I would love to live without you! Like RIGHT NOW or at least in some hours and of course, the days following that and then the many other days following that and months and so on. Strongest twitches since the surgery, in the recent hours. I don't wanna sound like an -oh-so-bragging-bitch about her normal-but-unidentified-it-is-okay, nothing-to-worry-about thingie but its not getting better like they said it would! Okay, not thinking about it now. Relax relax relax...
But you know what. The best, well best might not be the appropriate word here nor is subtlety going to work, twirkishly yet nice part is I have faith and it will be fine. I will not stop fighting and stay happy and try a lot. I am fine with feeling this way. Its just temporary. I shall not ruin my day. I'll figure out another way eventually. This is not grunting and I don't care if it looks like it. Its totally normal and if it isn't. I supposedly have, btw. The way. And off to put off the alarm, now, that I've set up for 9AM to get closer to the college routine so the transitioning will be easy once the date gets closer but I hardly adhere to it lol. Either I'm up or well, lying on my bed, having nightmares haha. Off I go. ... Worry is mine to bury! (I actually wrote burry a sec ago) Lalalala.
PS. Faith matters. #BeBold
Some good reads:
Three Holiday Romances
Black Beauty
The Bastard of Istanbul
The Theory of Everything
Lies and Cupcakes
I'll sign off with this.
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
To live
I'd really want to visit graves if people who have departed. Put flowers, roses to be quite specific. And a note, saying 'you're remembered. Just a little addition to my checklist, alongside visiting random funerals. And giving people, gifts anonymously. Something that'd make them smile, something to hold on to. To be happy about. To live for. To not let go off...
No one deserves to be forgotten. Even those who have bad or have evil within their hearts. There's always some good in the midst of the darkness that glooms and lurks wherein. Always, a redeeming something. Some light and hope, even in the worst of times and people who are mean. Nobody is mean by choice, trust me on this one. There's always a reason. Something's aren't just because they are or they're supposed to be. You just can not go with the flow when you know, you have to stop by and get a fair grasp of how some things are, only then its fair to work it out. Else, we don't have a choice or any right, to point at someone. In most cases, without fair speculation and consideration.
Retarded diphats
PSS. An afterthought: Why the **** are girls supposed to suffer if some creep/troll/pervert man manipulates their photos? WHY a girl would be punished and face consequences if a fucktard cannot keep their twisted sexist mind to their sorry and pathetic downtrodden selves. WHY THE DAMN HELL would she'll have to stay at home or caged up if some twisted nuthead chased her up or couldn't keep their eyes to their bloody selves. I mean logic and COMMONSENSE. Phoof. I mean I would just recommend to skin that person alive, BY LAW, who turns to women to objectify and degrade and sanction, while men are at fault.
And well, why the boy is the one who is assumed to be the supporter of the family, huh? Are you really this low that you think girls can't do it? And they're just supposed to marry and take fucking care of in-laws? Maybe just burning them is better lol. Trash and tar for those who think daughters have to take care of other people. That the females must serve. Is this some kind of a slave check or something? I'd rather feast over my dead body than let someone dictate me or any other girl in front of me. But girls who submit are even all the more reason to this misogynistic behavior. Men don't damn need a reason to do anything that hurts someone else's feelings. Pathetic pitiful thoughts of theirs.
Monday, 15 August 2016
I think I really a crash course or something regarding, what-to-do-when-you-are-getting-threats. Cheers for me, making it till some months! 😛😵😒😮
Friday, 12 August 2016
Captain Swan
More than two decades. Right. Lalalalallalal. I felt like a kid walking through my own old school while fetching my baby's stuff. And then the reminder of CIE results coming out on or near my birthday lolz. And some folks are just so far awayyy. If I could just teleport or apparate.
Haley's version of Castle for Huntsmen, Winter's War is pretty nice. I so loved the movie. The Snow Queen regardless of her evil attire was stunning. Reminded me of Elsa's rival from Once Upon A Time. The designer (still a to-be-researched-upon) is just dwindastically stumazing) I miss you Captain Swan. A looot. After all I've found out finally that its my eternal fav.
Piper has gone mad after that chicken. Let's see if she goes gay again. Hmm. I'll be surprised.
IT CANNOT BE. IT CAN'T JUST BE! As reported by BBC, Thomas Gibson just got sacked for being in a scuffle with the producer. Oh God, NO. Nooooo. You were my all time fav, Agent Aaron! I still have to catch up with the show. DVDs or torrents, still gotta give that a thought btw. PLLs S1 done though.
PS. What was this? xD
PSS.....if the definition of proper is a burqa or bedsheets clad girl than you must throw your mind and drown it in a ocean so deep so sharks can prey on it until the sun bleeds red.
Men. Such diseased gender. Apart from what a rare handful of them? Tsk tsk. We as a society, a deep rooted sexist patriarchal society, need to change our bigoted and whimsical, trashed and egotistical outlook regarding a woman's freedom, her views, decisions, choices, likes, preferences and liberty as a human being. Not some trade, slave or inferior being.
Its time, we do.
PSSS. I am proud of myself. I can say this for what standards I hold. Even if the world stands against me.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Translucently sublime...
The inexorable feckless transcending of various phenomenons is not unusual. Moving out is good. I'm there yet so far away. Pages turn by as the days pass. New adventures. The struggle is ceaseless as it ever was and shall be undoubtedly. I'll fight till the very end. Till I breathe the very last of this fumed air that surrounds me. Yet there is this calm feeling too. When I talk with God, I feel complete. He's the only One there in the end. Known to all the endurance that has come to pass. Known to All that has been left unsaid. Picking me up whenever I've crumbled to the deepest of the pits in this demimonde. I very much look forward to move on to the other world. What awaits there, is unknown but I am relentless to see. Taking it all inside helps with slight movement of your hands. Some slow and soothing music. Watching the rain, feeling the soft gusts of wind and the pelting of the raindrops. The murky sky. I'll hold my stand. We all must. Strive for what we hold very dear. Stick to the standards we believe in, those we have formed up and not those that have been there. There is beauty, after all, in believing... To always seeing the Light.
Monday, 8 August 2016
Friday, 5 August 2016
Roar roar roar
Tis' August! xD
Month of the Lions (feels so awesome-being-one, feels-like-roaring-like-one) I'm speaking like Jubilee in Let It Snow. (Definitely planning to write a sequel, prolly going to break the writer's block by this! Hopefully. )
Anyway, I guess, I'm going to binge eat banana ice cream and cupcakes and watch ointb and pll. Plus some epic baby time cuz I adore him the most. One of the two handsome men know on this planet Earth! To hell with the pain-in-place-of-stitches! I can see to the workouts and tardish pain afterwards. Bringitawn. Lala la lala la la. Dr. Hyde why you be in Storybrook, btw?
Saturday, 30 July 2016
Time tells all
I got a new phone. Thanks to the mist amazing man in my life. I love you so much Daddy. I am proud to be my parents daughter. So proud to be raised by them. Binge watching Once Upon A Time is such healing for my heart. Arendelle's tale was so beautiful and charmingly sparkling. The costumes! I love you Captain Hook! xD
PS. 'The Judge' is such a riveting heartbreaker. A thriller that keeps your fingers crossed. Making you want to watch it till the very end how it all unravels. How justice surpasses all and is higher than your family. How your codes must be adhered till the end. It's never too late to mend it. To cone clean. To smile, be there for those who need you and in the end, of all, to hold on and believe.
Thursday, 21 July 2016
Nights at the Hotel
Oh God, the school massacre scene! JESUS CHRIST!
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Happiness is cool
Saturday, 16 July 2016
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Friday, 8 July 2016
Pakistan Remembers
Saturday, 25 June 2016
The Liz Tales
Three cute words by Max:
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
You either Win or you Die
I hope a bulkload of dragon-glass and swords like Lord Mormont is found so they can smash the Night King's army with that albeit he does look classy. Cersei is so busy trying to take control and seeking vengeance, idiot high Sparrow is wriggling with his dirty ego, just the Starks are trying to do something about it. Now that, Ramsay is destroyed and put deep wherein the hell he came from they can focus on how to get along with the Long Night. They shouldn't have killed Rickon, such a cute little kid he was. Or maybe Danny's dragons will just blow those cold things away after all it is a Song of Fire and Ice. I think she and Sansa will really click if they share their stories. And yay, the kights of the Veil came to the rescue. In your bloody face Bolton. Poor thing got eaten by his own creatures. Oh, that smile on Sansa'a face. I could just write this on and on. I felt like watching again the Hardhome scene. I do miss the White Walkers. The moment when he raised the dead. Whoa. They better have a face-off with Jon in the season finale otherwise it is apparent that the story line is getting boring and flat! I mean whatever happened to 'action'! No sign of Bran and Mera. Or of Arya, just wee bits in this season as well. I mean they are Winterfell's heirs! Just by the way, there could be so many epic scenes at the WALL too but no sign of that too! Whatever are the writers doing? Wake up. Did you drink too much Ale? (Pun intended)
If Jon could just put his ego aside (Ilovehimbutstill) and send Raven all across Westeros about what happened at Hardhome. ............
The Lane Long Traveled
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Me Before You
I REALLY NEED TO SEE THIS LIKE RIGHT NOW. So beautiful and so much hopeful. The soundtrack set aside. Cause' that is another heaven!
Winter has not fallen
PERFECT JAMAIS BATAILLE , JAMAIS! Oh Dieu, Jon , vous ĆŖtes tellement incroyable . Ils ont tuĆ© un autre rigide, tout de mĆŖme! Comment peuvent-ils? Je veux dire, comment peuvent-ils ? NON! Je suis en lice pour une marchette cacher blanc et cherche aussi, mais peu importe. Daneryres et Sansa sont tellement dur Ć cuire de faƧon cool. Ce sourire , qui peint Sansa'a visage tandis que Ramsay devenait peau et castrĆ©s et fouettĆ© par les bĆŖtes . Oh, ce fut une si belle scĆØne et je suis si heureux aujourd'hui! Yay! Elle doit rester Ć l'Ć©cart du mal de petit doigt cependant.
Monday, 20 June 2016
The Shield that they are
Lizard Alert
#Wish911oranyemergencyteaminthiswholeworldcouldfixthisandhadlizardemergencyteamstooalongwithotheremergencyteams #Policepleaseinventthem!
Monday, 13 June 2016
Before I go
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Monday, 6 June 2016
Sunday, 5 June 2016
Sunday, 29 May 2016
Saturday, 28 May 2016
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Sunday, 8 May 2016
I have superpowers
I'll write about X+Y later on, hopefully soon. I'll just say this, at the moment, that I am so glad, I saw it. So subtle, infinitely beautiful and innocent yet strikingly riveting. It was so okay to cry while at it. :')
Monday, 2 May 2016
PS. I'm supposed to be studying dear geometry but OHGOD! And I'm sorry if this serves as a spoiler but seriously! OH GOD!
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
The Beauty of Our Eyes
Sunday, 24 April 2016
Friday, 22 April 2016
The Heat that Is!
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Saturday, 9 April 2016
St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna
Completion time period: 23 years
The Luna Diaries .1
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
#Spacestudy #Geometry #Heat #Calmandserene #Endlesswords
Saturday, 2 April 2016
Sunday, 27 March 2016
PS. Allen once told his friend, 'I have these silly swings'. His friend asked him, 'what kind of swings, man? Old and rusty or badly colored?'. Allen answered, 'oh, come on, silly. What I meant was, that I have mood swings. :')
FLAT VECTOR IMAGES ARE SO COOL BTW. I need to be fast though.
By pressing control+ G on your keyboard this toolbar opens on the top right corner of your screen, and it highlights the alphabet you have used throughout your current page. :D
Sunday, 20 March 2016
We are rocks, really
V rock: We are rocks
See you: You are a sea
BBC: The bee and another bee, always see (No satire etcetera intended at the organization)
PS. I'll add the visuals later! xD
A random person asked his friend: u k dude? The reply he got: Erm, you mean UK? :P
Given that You= U and Okay= K. And not, the country, so yeah.
Friday, 11 March 2016
Sunday, 6 March 2016
Visited the cities zoo after ages, for a quick sketching project. I JUST FELT LIKE HUGGING THOSE ADORABLE PUMAS(I guess I've already written about it but anyway, doesn't matter). Charcoals are such blissful medium! Yay. :D
PS. What's a charcoal? A thing that has four coals in it? (Given that 'char' in charcoal is called the numerical alphabet 4, four in the Urdu language (Older origins: Sanskrit and some other languages), reportedly.
And NOW, NOW, NOW. What's modelling clay? Well, obvvvvvvv a clay that models. On a runway. xD
Saa Ray Gaa Maaaaa

Thursday, 3 March 2016
Lions and Hugs
Monday, 22 February 2016
Of Syrups and so-not-good flavors
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Critical Thinking Study
Click on the link to participate!
If you think of me, I'll think of you
Is the only place you'll find
What you're missing
That you didn't know was there
So when I say good-bye
You must do your best to try
And forgive me
PS. Unrequited stuff! So relate-able. The Intern is so cool! Oh no, the Forshortening sketches.
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
'You're on the other side as the skyline splits in two
I'm miles away from seeing you'
I miss you MERI JAAN. Stay safe, always. Mera bachaa. <3^∞
PS. It's so mystical how you miss somebody so much, at times, even when you're sitting next to them, or are so near them; knowing that those moments won't come back. But then the happening whispers to you: 'Smile, you silly person. It happened. It's your, for safekeeping now, in your heart, mind and soul.'
AM I MAKING ANY SENSE HAHA? Oh and btw, I am reaching that conclusion, perhaps, human beings are immortal after all. A huge thingy follows. So long, my friends. So long.
And the Earth...
Monday, 25 January 2016
And In that Moment...
Sometimes it just feel so glaringly soothing to observe and stay silent. Silence.... That soft rustle of leaves. Tranquil hissing of chilly wind. Hopeful mind. Never ending faith. Faith. Holding onto stuff that hopefully you believe one day will be. Hopefully. So long...
You are spending time with someone. Someone you love the most in this whole world. Forever, and ever. Even when you'll be buried deep into the ground and the world will no longer remember that you existed. You realize and know that those moments won't come back, you just want to save them in some cauldron or closet that one day, when opened shall blossom with the dearness and purity of what you had with that person. Its always living in the moment and knowing that hard times go away like a swift blow of wind over some dandelions. Phew lalalalalalalala. Someday. You'll be somewhere. Talking to me. As if you.. :P
You look over so many people. You see what they are and then you see what you are. And in all its essence you have got to believe it and you do deep in your heart that you're just fine. Just perfectly fine. You're you and that's all. You. Nothing else is necessary. Worrying is just very pointless. Go for your heart. Love truly. And remember always.
Signing off,
Awww Snap! :P
Saturday, 23 January 2016
Wake up- The Vamps
Somebody to you- The Vamps
The Maze Runner soundtrack by John Paesno
Lost and Found- Ellie Goulding
Breathe of Life- Florence and the Machine
California dreamin'- Sia
Come back- We Shot the Moon
Sway your Hear- We Shot the Moon
Handshake- TDCC
PS. Its so chillingly freezing cold. My nails need to stop turning purple. Brrreerreer. Stay safe, people out there in the cold. Always.
Monday, 18 January 2016
Some Rules of Love, maybe?
Sunday, 17 January 2016
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
PS. We human beings can be so unfailingly unpredictable... I forgot my drafting board yesterday and the guard outside that college block kept it safe. Like awhhhh. I'm definitely getting him Biryani.