
Everything uploaded on this blog i.e. Pieces of writing (any word, design, idea, song lyrics, poem, short story, article, critique), and piece of art (drawing, painting) of this blog is © (Copy Rights Reserved). This blog is 'Owned' by MishaalTariq MT™

Any copying of material will result in severe legal action against the copying person(s)/party (ies). I don't copy material from any source, however, I do research to clarify and re-check for the factual etcetera info. I add in 'my' writings.

My writing is opinion based mostly. Follow advice upon your own discretion. Every post and thing here is subject to change. My interests vary. And if there are any grammatical errors, forgive me because I hardly proofread for errors when I am writing.

DON'T JUDGE. READ UPON YOUR OWN DISCRETION. DON'T ASK ME WHY I WRITE SO BLEAK AND LIKE I'M A LUNATIC. BECAUSE I AM NOT. Do feel free to leave in a comment to let me know how you feel like about my writing.


Happy Reading folks!

PS. Any inflammatory, floundering comments that count as libel, are abusive, politically defaming, humanly deviant, and sadist) are irrevocably condemned on this blog, they won't be entertained at all. Hence, please do refrain from doing so.

By the way, I'm not emotional aka emo globally, so yeah.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Sometimes, These Times

Everything seems to fall into pieces. Sometimes you just have to know something to move bon. I've crossed that point so I'm glad. Nothing lasts forever and nobody stays forever too. Moving on is the best and just thing one can do. So here I sit, on my wooden chair. The things we use and those that surround us, they have witnessed so much, right? Even in the quietest of times they have been there, with us, through so much. Whatever our believes might be. With the noise of those cars breaking through the dark of the night. It's quite. The lights on but I'll be turning it off as nothing is serene than soft and murky light at night. I know what I have to do. It's all clear what once was and what is now. I've spent my darlings birthday yesterday. Took him to the film festival on Friday. The movie was quite amazing but he's more amazing. I'd give the stars to him, the whole world in his hands. Anything for his smile. To give way to his timeless laughter. Putting up the little drums and colorful stuff made me happy as it makes him happy. A decade of joy and peace, melting my heart as it beats towards the unknown. All I have to do is have faith and hold on.