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Wednesday 25 February 2015

The War that Is

Pachauri, UNs' IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) resigns. Well, this has come as a huge backlash to the Panel, all the same, no surprise, for many, since allegedly he had significantly no expertise in the field, some report. Read more here

Rajendra Pachauri served as the head of IPCC for 13 years and gave up his post due to, reported sexual assault allegations. He was a recipient of the Nobel prize along with the Ex Vice-President Al Gore. He has been diligently adamant on advocating climate mitigation and stressing the need for immediate measures in view of the recent climate change assault globally. That said, being wrong in just one report that was about Himalayan Glacial melt, doesn't mean that the other climate projections tabled by the framework aren't true. 

In Asia, recent reports have emerged that, Agri-based countries are the ones, going to be affected the most by it, to an enormous extent. Landslides, silt deposit in dams, increased rainfall, droughts and endless other deadly threats are faced by the world. 

As its inevitable devastating effects have started to significantly haul down, economies worldwide, Pakistan too won’t be able to save itself from, climate change to cringe its economy that has been struggling to save itself from constant deadly threats from various elements such as; terrorism, political upheaval; gas, electricity, water and other innumerous crisis, inaction to implement the shilly-shally current policies and absence of critical mitigation that is needed to counter the menace climate change is yet to cause.  Purportedly, there is going to be a crumpling food crisis, which was further worsened by the already present-but-denied/ignored water crisis haunting Pakistan as well as many other nations and appallingly it is going be pretty magnanimous from the crisis that dawned upon us before. Fewer numbers of crops will mean less food availability, which further will result in chaos, rise in criminal activity, the downfall of the economy, collapse of business especially agro-ones. It all connects doesn’t it? There IS water scarcity, in this country, but we continue to not take off our dirty blinds in order to suit our erratic ‘wants’...  

Meteorological agencies like NOAA have warned agricultural industries worldwide with regard to these findings. Per se that is severely complicated and ghastly news for the farmers and for a country like ours whose economy is massively dependent upon the agricultural industry along with the ongoing boom in population. The crop yield is going to be destroyed beyond imagination; experts say through their research, due to the inescapable glacier retreat, silt deposit in dams, carbonaceous poisoning of rivers from which water is drawn for irrigation in Pakistan, shifting of the monsoon front, increasingly heavy rainfalls that are triggered by deforestation hugely.
A report published by the country’s own climate change monitoring agency stated that out of nine areas where CC imposes threats to the country six are directly concerned with agriculture. Hence, there is a dire need of serious measures to be taken in order to halt down this catastrophic blow to the agricultural industry of Pakistan and to save the people from dying and rioting

To be elaborated further. 

References: NOAA, Dawn, Wikipedia, BBC.