I know I should've not taken the aspirin with hot milk but I did and now theres a twingy feeling near my chest. Hah! We should take care of this body God has given us and not persecute the soul, the heart and the body of course. Its His to return. I am feeling kinda teary because I miss my besties from Highschool. I am so glad I have two in my class and I'll develop a more stronger bond with them hopefully, soon. It takes time. I'm old but yeah. Lol. It felt good reading Will Grayson in the bus in the morning. Crossing the roads is such a task though. Its like I have to pass through the crossroads to get to the place where my college bus stops. There's sunlight flooding the place, lots of dust and amazing noise. Whoa. Where was I? Oh yeah, so gradually and eventually you get along with someone, and in my case I can take months or whatever, years (haven't stayed with someone that long) to know someone and when they go, it used to be somewhat bleak, now that word is almost outta my dictionary YAY. I'm so proud of myself here. Although sometimes, I do go through that natural phase, but I move past swiftly now. Learning learning. Oh yes. Learning. And WILL. Will never leave. (Please, don't- See what I did here? xD) Haha. So yeah. I'd a car, I'd met my folks everyday and hangout with them or at least meet them once in a month, I haven't broken up with them God forbids but see, this kinda draws people away too and I am not that person who does that, I know everyone is busy and all so.. I have faith after all.
Wherever the road takes us
We shall go
Without asking anything
We will flow
Along this path
Never giving up
And never running slow
It's a phase
Cannot feel low
Where ever the road takes us
We shall go
YES I WROTE POETRY (Even if it doesn't fall into the category) after so long...