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Happy Reading folks!

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By the way, I'm not emotional aka emo globally, so yeah.

Friday 15 May 2015


Have you ever wondered what a sad waste your life will be when all that you cherish at the moment will slip away from your hands and you won't even know what hit you? 

What will happen when the water runs out? When there would be not a drop to drink and endless moment to crave for it? When you would be desperate to die for drinking what you waste, now, these days, like you waste tissue papers and thoughts? Now you just let that tap stay open and the precious gem-like water run away into the abyss. Let it go into the waste, the seas for nothing.. For killing those marine species, poisoning them, and then which poison you somewhat, at times, but you do not know because you must hold on to that destructive ignorant and insolent outlook. Have you ever wondered about that water you're wasting like idiots, when it runs away into the drains, on to the roads while you're so damnably busy washing your car or taking a bath while humming?

Have you ever wondered what will happen when you will drive miles and miles to get food? When the crops will wait out in the scorching and the disastrously blazing heat of the Sun to wither? When your skin will start to hurt just for standing out?
When the seas will swell, as they already have started to since a long while? But blind you must be, your prejudiced and selfish conscience tells you. When the water will be a monster that would swallow your homes and be an enemy? When the nature will cast away its wrath so instantly that you will not know what hit you.

Have you ever wondered what will happen when, you will be driven mad to hurt and kill to survive? To save your loved ones? When the world will start to become look like heaps of garbage and eyesore they will be the things you would see, where ever you go. Filled will pollution and trash the land will be that once was green. That once had birds chirping here and there, flying like angels, that air would stink of death and misery... Have you ever wondered where will you go when it becomes hard to live here?


To be continued...