
Everything uploaded on this blog i.e. Pieces of writing (any word, design, idea, song lyrics, poem, short story, article, critique), and piece of art (drawing, painting) of this blog is © (Copy Rights Reserved). This blog is 'Owned' by MishaalTariq MT™

Any copying of material will result in severe legal action against the copying person(s)/party (ies). I don't copy material from any source, however, I do research to clarify and re-check for the factual etcetera info. I add in 'my' writings.

My writing is opinion based mostly. Follow advice upon your own discretion. Every post and thing here is subject to change. My interests vary. And if there are any grammatical errors, forgive me because I hardly proofread for errors when I am writing.

DON'T JUDGE. READ UPON YOUR OWN DISCRETION. DON'T ASK ME WHY I WRITE SO BLEAK AND LIKE I'M A LUNATIC. BECAUSE I AM NOT. Do feel free to leave in a comment to let me know how you feel like about my writing.


Happy Reading folks!

PS. Any inflammatory, floundering comments that count as libel, are abusive, politically defaming, humanly deviant, and sadist) are irrevocably condemned on this blog, they won't be entertained at all. Hence, please do refrain from doing so.

By the way, I'm not emotional aka emo globally, so yeah.

Friday, 31 October 2014


Something that just came to my mind. I was so looking forward to have a great something this eve' but like always shortage of things which have flesh covered by skin called 'humans'. LOL. Pretty awkward considering I am one of them.... Anyway.......

On All-Hallows Night 
When sadness is at its height
I drift into an endless facade of thoughts
Feeling like I've been drugged with morphine shots
Dressed up as a vampire
Filled with satire
I feel like I've died before dying
Can't the world just stop lying?
Its really is so unfair
When the people you hold so dear don't care
This loneliness hurts like hell
I search for someone whom I could tell
All that is running inside my head
A soul that could understand everything I said
I want to go out and walk past by the sea
Need a peaceful quite place where I could flee

Okay, now. This is undauntedly making me emotional. Laters I guess. I just really feel kind of I-don't-know-hot-to-put-it, having a imaginary Halloween party with all those pumpkins and guises, bonfire, delicious foods, and fun and all. BUT my imaginary friends and foes are here so it's alright I guess. Lets partaaaay. Lalalala. :P I mean seriously Eff it. -_-

Extremely Halloween/Friend-sick atm. :'( <<< Yeah I made a cying sign for the first time in a loong while.Haha. Whatever....