
Everything uploaded on this blog i.e. Pieces of writing (any word, design, idea, song lyrics, poem, short story, article, critique), and piece of art (drawing, painting) of this blog is © (Copy Rights Reserved). This blog is 'Owned' by MishaalTariq MT™

Any copying of material will result in severe legal action against the copying person(s)/party (ies). I don't copy material from any source, however, I do research to clarify and re-check for the factual etcetera info. I add in 'my' writings.

My writing is opinion based mostly. Follow advice upon your own discretion. Every post and thing here is subject to change. My interests vary. And if there are any grammatical errors, forgive me because I hardly proofread for errors when I am writing.

DON'T JUDGE. READ UPON YOUR OWN DISCRETION. DON'T ASK ME WHY I WRITE SO BLEAK AND LIKE I'M A LUNATIC. BECAUSE I AM NOT. Do feel free to leave in a comment to let me know how you feel like about my writing.


Happy Reading folks!

PS. Any inflammatory, floundering comments that count as libel, are abusive, politically defaming, humanly deviant, and sadist) are irrevocably condemned on this blog, they won't be entertained at all. Hence, please do refrain from doing so.

By the way, I'm not emotional aka emo globally, so yeah.

Thursday 12 December 2013

My parents, my everything

Dad nailed the British airways case. I love my daddy/mommy a LOT. My inspiration, my support, my hope, they are the best. Please love your parents, they are the best thing in this world that can ever happen to you among other rare things. They are a miracle by God for you. I am what i am because of them right now, my mom and my dad. If it wasn't for them, if they'd not been there I'd had never come this far. I know my relationship with my parents surfaced to a really extremely fine just now recently and a good level just currently and I AM SO GLAD IT DID or I'd have carried on dying inside me, my soul and I, everyday. My mom? She's most selfless ever person I've ever seen. Love her to bits. DESPITE OF THE PAIN I'VE BEEN THROUGH due to her or him I must and have and am and will overlook it because well, they are my parents after all. I just hope they understand me and don't quash my dreams. Because at this level I need their support the most if I was earning money or something or independent I won't have asked them but see it can't happen without their support(I hate to be dependant on someone and hate to feel I cannot do something without someones help) and I cannot let my dreams die so I just hope they let me follow and pursue my aims, with understanding me and even asking me for explanations if they want to, but I just want them badly to believe in me, and support me in reaching to 'my' goals and aims. Appreciate me, my writings, my thoughts my everything and don't disapprove me, but think rationally and understand me(they're doing it but I want them to do it fully).