I choose to be a survivor, I AM. I will always be. **** all the things that need effing up :)
Existence is temporary and at the same immortal, you will always stay in Gods eyes and that's all you need. I recently found out I have a thing for perfectionism. Well. Honestly, I should not. It raises your stress levels. And in extreme cases and people prone to deviating, leads to some risky stuff. Risk is a part of life however. I am starting to start the habits I left or simply felt disinterested in. I am starting to accept and realize. This dawn is beautiful. Dysfunctionality at times is helpful and your strength. So I need to embrace it and ride the wave.
Lets get done with this semester. Well, to start. With the day, and I shall get with the week, the month and of course the semester. Senior year kind of here. You don not need other to be with you or stay with you. Those who have to will. Those who will not and don't be thankful that they don't cuz it shows the reality of life and its good for you.
PS. Sophie's world is an amazing read! Still halfway through after a year. Intense. Really.
Will say adios with this player in my life. xoxo