
Everything uploaded on this blog i.e. Pieces of writing (any word, design, idea, song lyrics, poem, short story, article, critique), and piece of art (drawing, painting) of this blog is © (Copy Rights Reserved). This blog is 'Owned' by MishaalTariq MT™

Any copying of material will result in severe legal action against the copying person(s)/party (ies). I don't copy material from any source, however, I do research to clarify and re-check for the factual etcetera info. I add in 'my' writings.

My writing is opinion based mostly. Follow advice upon your own discretion. Every post and thing here is subject to change. My interests vary. And if there are any grammatical errors, forgive me because I hardly proofread for errors when I am writing.

DON'T JUDGE. READ UPON YOUR OWN DISCRETION. DON'T ASK ME WHY I WRITE SO BLEAK AND LIKE I'M A LUNATIC. BECAUSE I AM NOT. Do feel free to leave in a comment to let me know how you feel like about my writing.


Happy Reading folks!

PS. Any inflammatory, floundering comments that count as libel, are abusive, politically defaming, humanly deviant, and sadist) are irrevocably condemned on this blog, they won't be entertained at all. Hence, please do refrain from doing so.

By the way, I'm not emotional aka emo globally, so yeah.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Of Syrups and so-not-good flavors

Indeed. Indeed, the recent pack of Colgate Fresh-mint toothpaste I am using; tastes like that (IwontsayawfulasIamrefrainingfromusingnegativewordsthatmightsubconsciouslyleadmetowardsthegruntingstuff-NEVRGONNAHAPPEN, ergo, yeah).... somewhat disastrously hilarious childhood-Calpol-syrup-that-we-were-given-when-we-got-sick

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Critical Thinking Study

This seems a really rigorous study. I love to be part of psychology in any way I can, if not directly. Humankind Matters!

Click on the link to participate! https://ctstudy.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dcJ0iUVfl1nyfpr 

If you think of me, I'll think of you

I between the lines
Is the only place you'll find
What you're missing
That you didn't know was there
So when I say good-bye
You must do your best to try
And forgive me

PS. Unrequited stuff! So relate-able. The Intern is so cool! Oh no, the Forshortening sketches. 
Suddenly, the feeling of euphoria, trickles down into a sublime and silent cry, a quiet whisper into the water rarely travelled. It’s indescribable, as to how the path is passed through. You just want to get immersed in a task so intense that the quandary of your endless, topsy-turvy emotions gets swayed rhythmically along with it. WAIT. What? What did I just write? Okay. No worries! :D 


Oh, God. Such an adorable wobbly, cute, handsome and exquisitely beautiful penguin he was. The one that I saw in dream. I mean jklmnoajsukploqrst. Awhhhhhh. I need a lion, a fish and  penguin now. Lol. <3

Startling as it may seem to me, I am starting to love geometry albeit there's only been just one lecture so far! I miss Shams like a lot. And well, we all need to learn the Forty Rules of Love!